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As Teams adoption grows (partially driven by the megatrend of digitalization, partially by the massive surge in working from home due to Covid-19), different problems managing Teams also become more obvious. The growth seems to have been largely organic. Teams and organizations are adopting the tools that best help them…Continue reading How to fix a Teams team with no Owners?
Yikes – ever ran into this error after deploying your ASP.NET Core web application to an Azure App Service? Yeah, me too. And when it’s a production deployment, and the error didn’t happen in test/QA environment, that’s even more fun. This article describes a couple of ways to fix it,…Continue reading How to fix “HTTP Error 500.32 – ANCM Failed to Load dll”
This article will describe a surprising issue with Microsoft Teams, and a simple workaround. 😊 Essentially, using the out-of-the-box “Attach” > “Recent” messaging extension in Teams has a couple of caveats or edge cases, that make it problematic to use. Instead, either move the file to the proper location using…Continue reading Why you shouldn’t attach files from other channels in Microsoft Teams?
Due to the outbreak of the Coronavirus, there’s a sudden influx of people working remotely. As someone, who has only recently gone through the transformation from a regular office worker (with an assigned desk and all that classic stuff) to a full-time remote worker, I thought I could share some…Continue reading Top Tips To Survive Working From Home!
This article describes how to fix the error “There was an error running the selected code generator: ‘Failed to load the dll from \bin\Debug\netcoreapp\win-x86\hostpolicy.dll, HRESULT: 0x800700C1 An error occurred while loading required library hostpolicy.dll’” when you’re adding a new scaffolded item (such as a Razor page or ASP.NET Core MVC…Continue reading Adding new MVC/Razor items fails throwing an error about hostpolicy.dll