This blog is a dedicated place to store some important findings and tips that I have found in my daily work and tinkering projects so that they wouldn’t be scattered around DropBox, OneNote, OneDrive, e-mail, seventeen different SharePoint team sites, Microsoft Teams conversations, Windows Sticky Notes, actual real-world post-it-notes and multiple flavors of version controls.
Most posts are about Microsoft’s stack, as it occupies most of my typical working day.
Who’s the author?
Ah – let me introduce myself. I’m Antti K. Koskela, a Finnish tech enthusiast and Microsoft MVP. I’ve been a freelance web developer since I was 14. It was a good way for a youngster living in the rural parts of Finland to earn some extra pocket money.
In addition to doing some fun software engineering stuff, I’m a husband to a Finn, dad to one Canadian and one Finn, a custodian/servant to a German Finnish doggo, and after moving to the countryside, apparently also a substandard landscaper of sorts now.

I like working with customers and love sharing any tidbits of knowledge that might be useful to someone else, too.
I have over 10 years of experience in both web-based software development and accounting. During my master’s program, I majored in Information Systems Science and minored in Financing and Commercial Law. After graduating, I went on to become a PhD student, but there isn’t that much to talk about that yet, to be honest.
So, yeah, my buzzwords – Azure, .NET, SharePoint, Usability, Agile Software Development, Financing, Accounting, Entrepreneurship. I suppose those sum most of my professional life up pretty neatly – I often work on multiple projects at once and am interested in quite a few things.
And what is he doing?
I mainly work as a Solutions Architect at Omnia Intranet.
I’m also involved with Norppandalotti Software (web development and experimenting with non-Microsoft stuff) and ALTER (Virtual Reality stuff).
When I’m not documenting my thoughtful workarounds, I’m, renovating my house (built in the 50s so it’s pretty much falling apart) or blogging about it (in Finnish) at
“Wasn’t he speaking at that recent event I attended?”
Yeah, I might’ve been!
Every now and then, I’m speaking or presenting at different events. In 2017-2019 I was living first in Wisconsin, USA, and then Montréal, Canada, and had the opportunity to participate in a lot of events across the continent!
My sessions are typically SharePoint & Azure related – something about the cool toys I get to work with during my daily work, or about the issues you’ll eventually face with so many moving parts in the stack. Essentially, about the same stuff, I blog about on this platform!
What’s with the “K.” ?
Heh – the middle initial is, for me, at least in Finland pretty mandatory. I guess my parents played it safe when they named me: You wouldn’t believe how many people called “Antti Koskela” there are! Not the most unique or surprising of names.
I’d much rather be something, that’s a bit easier to SEO (there’s plenty of competition! And I constantly get invoiced for something my namesakes keep ordering), but at least you get back the right results when you search for “Antti K. Koskela”. Or with my nickname “Koskila”. So there’s that!
Links to my other stuff
These are links to me in different channels.
I have some demos on YouTube, too!
Below is a playlist of some of my published demo videos on YouTube. I’m occasionally adding new content there, too.
What about has been up and running since 2009, but in its current form since 2015. The site receives something like 750k visits annually.
In 2020-2021 it was also awarded a mention as a “Top SharePoint blog” (even got a badge! 😎), ranking in the first 15, and then 4th(!) among the top 80. That ranking is maintained by FeedSpot, which follow and curate a lot of tech content.

That’s about it! Got a question? Leave a comment or contact me. Cheers!