This category mostly contains hacks and workarounds that are definitely not needed, recommended, or even safe in production environments. So, beware – don’t apply or run these against your production at all. These should be limited to the development environment only.
This post is about solving the issue with Visual Studio 2010 failing to show the design view of an .aspx-page. Luckily, it’s an easy and pretty classical fix. Symptoms Whilst trying to view or edit an aspx-page in design mode within Visual Studio 2010, the window is just plain empty…Continue reading Visual Studio 2010 fails to show the design view of an aspx-page
In this post, I describe how you can figure out if IE11 (Internet Explorer 11) has jumped into compatibility mode. You will run into this requirement every now and then when trying to figure out some SharePoint browser compatibility mess-up. This is quite frequent because in compatibility mode IE does…Continue reading Identifying IE11 compatibility mode in SharePoint
This post is about fixing one of the most annoyingly unspecific errors that you can get when activating (Feature Framework) features on SharePoint – “File not found”. Whatever that might mean, right? Problem Ugh. A plain and simple “File not found” is one of the more annoying errors one can…Continue reading “File not found”error when trying to activate a custom feature on SharePoint
Every now and then comes the time when you’d actually need to debug something, and then you’ll likely be using your Visual Studio to attach the debugger to one or more processes. Using CKSDev to attach to all IIS worker processes (w3wp.exe), or if you don’t use CKSDev, just pressing…Continue reading Attaching the Visual Studio debugger to the right IIS worker process
This post describes how to fix possible issues with the Windows hosts file. I’ll first document how to find the damn file, and then go through a bunch of options on what to check and how to fix different possible issues. Opening the hosts -file First of all, the host’s…Continue reading Troubleshooting guide for Windows hosts file
This post describes how to fix Windows Authentication on a SharePoint server that is failing on other local addresses other than localhost. Symptoms You get the standard Windows/Basic Authentication prompt when accessing your SharePoint site, but the site won’t accept your credentials when you are accessing the site using an address…Continue reading Windows Authentication fails on SharePoint for all hostnames (other than localhost)