Join my session at CTTT25 this week: Level Up Your Teams Extensibility Game with Blazor | Session materials from Cloud Technology Townhall Tallinn 2025!

This post was most recently updated on January 31st, 2025.

< 1 min read.

This week I’ll be attending Cloud Technology Townhall Tallinn 2025. It’s my first time in this event that’s practically next door in the beautiful town of Tallinn!

Although I guess the name was kind of a dead giveaway already, right?

I’ll be speaking about Blazor and Teams development stuff. This time I’ll try to avoid any demo effects – had a couple the last time I’ve talked on this topic! But I think it’ll be a blast!

Besides, look at the weather forecast – what could be better on a rainy (icy-haily) day, than to spend some quality time indoors, geeking out on Blazor? 😅

Anyway – my session will be on Friday, plenty of other cool sessions both Thursday and Friday – hope to see you there!

And for my funny(?) invitation video to the event, see below (or go here):

We are very excited to welcome and he will tell you all about extending #MicrosoftTeams with #Blazor. Last chance to get your tickets, we are almost sold out 🥳: #visittallinn #Microsoft365

Cloud Technology Townhall Tallinn ( 2025-01-20T08:00:45.180Z

After my session, I’ll add slides, links and demo recordings (if any) to this article.

I had plenty of weird workarounds and learnings to share in my session, and I attached them to my last article about the topic. Doesn’t make sense to copy-paste them here, as I might still update the list!

So for all notes and additional screenshots and other stuff, see the post I made for my earlier session:

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