This article explains briefly what the different Microsoft Teams App templates in Visual Studio are for and what capabilities do they come with. It’s a lot to wade through, but I hope this article is able to explain the basics. Background Lately, I’ve been playing around with Blazor and Teams…Continue reading What do you get from a Microsoft Teams App template in Visual Studio?
This article explains how to configure the Teams integration in the Microsoft Teams Stream Deck plugin. Because chances are the documentation you’ve read does not match how it actually goes Also, I’ll share my over 1-year-long story with Stream Deck. It, unfortunately, has not been uneventful. Want to skip…Continue reading How to enable Stream Deck integration in “New Teams”?
This article explains briefly and straightforwardly (and in a frustrated tone, the reasons of which you might already know) how to install the Classic Microsoft Teams for Business client, instead of the “new” client. I doubt the method will work for very long, but we’ll see. Background The new Microsoft…Continue reading How to install the Classic Teams for Business client?
Writing this in a country under lockdown, it feels like every single conference in the world has either been canceled or switched to being online-only. And right now, that’s definitely for the best! But it does pose quite a dilemma for those in charge of these events – how do…Continue reading Tips on organizing an online conference using Microsoft Teams
As Teams adoption grows (partially driven by the megatrend of digitalization, partially by the massive surge in working from home due to Covid-19), different problems managing Teams also become more obvious. The growth seems to have been largely organic. Teams and organizations are adopting the tools that best help them…Continue reading How to fix a Teams team with no Owners?
This article will describe a surprising issue with Microsoft Teams, and a simple workaround. Essentially, using the out-of-the-box “Attach” > “Recent” messaging extension in Teams has a couple of caveats or edge cases, that make it problematic to use. Instead, either move the file to the proper location using…Continue reading Why you shouldn’t attach files from other channels in Microsoft Teams?
This article is something of a combination of a technology overview and an opinion piece, detailing my thoughts about extending Microsoft Teams. To me, extending Microsoft Teams has pretty much only now become relevant. Before, the palette was still quite unfinished, but now we’re definitely getting to a point where…Continue reading Extending Microsoft Teams is now officially awesome