SharePoint cat fixing them errors

Subsite creation in SharePoint fails with error 0x80070005 for any user (even global/farm admins!)

This issue seems to pop up bafflingly often, so I thought that it was finally time to document it for future generations. Granted, it mainly considers Classic SharePoint (which is very tightly built around Publishing features) – but Classic is going to be part of our lives for quite a…Continue reading Subsite creation in SharePoint fails with error 0x80070005 for any user (even global/farm admins!)

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Let's fix SharePoint Search together!

How to interpret SharePoint’s view count managed properties (like “ViewsLast1Days”)?

Have you ever wondered, how SharePoint’s Managed Properties for Usage & Analytics info actually work? There are all these nice properties available for getting view counts for different items in SharePoint’s search index, but they all seem to act like crazy. Plus they are sometimes pretty nonsensical… And not very…Continue reading How to interpret SharePoint’s view count managed properties (like “ViewsLast1Days”)?

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