Tag: Brave
Welcome to the Brave new world!
Correct – I just couldn’t help myself. I’m definitely shilling for Brave browser now. :)
This category contains my posts about the browser called Brave and the associated cryptocurrency, Basic Attention Token, BAT.
I’ve been struggling with Google Chrome for a while, now. Back in the day, they definitely had the best developer tools out-of-the-box, and we’re a great compromise between user friendliness and my requirements for the browser I use for work stuff. However, the privacy concerns have always been there (I was mortified when Google introduced the automatic login with your Gmail account), and the browser has become more and more bloated. An additional pain point for myself has been Google’s negative, and almost snarky attitude towards competitors like Microsoft Edge (and even Edgium) on their web properties. Brave provides pretty much the same features – just with less tradeoffs.
Anyway – any new competition in the browser space is good in my books, and Brave provides exactly the right kind of competition.
If you want to support my blog, a perfect way to do that would be to download Brave browser using my referral link – and if you actually like it and continue using it, I get a small BAT grant from the Brave developers. So please do give it a try!