How to resolve another “An error occurred while updating the entries” exception in Entity Framework Core

This article offers yet another possible fix to an issue, where trying to call SaveChanges() in Entity Framework Core throws a pretty generic “An error occurred while updating the entries”-exception, and you’re left wondering what in tarnation is wrong this time. And admittedly, that’s a really generic error, so it…Continue reading How to resolve another “An error occurred while updating the entries” exception in Entity Framework Core

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Fixing “An assembly specified in the application dependencies manifest [projectname].deps.json was not found”

This post describes one no-brainer fix to the error “An assembly specified in the application dependencies manifest [projectname].deps.json was not found.” I ran into this while running Update-Database for my ASP.NET Core web project, that’s using EntityFrameworkCore 2.1.1. I hadn’t seen this one before, but the error was quite interesting:…Continue reading Fixing “An assembly specified in the application dependencies manifest [projectname].deps.json was not found”