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Every now and then, you run into a situation where you have a certificate for a website or service, but for one reason or another, you don’t have the whole chain. You’re missing some or all of the intermediaries, and even the root certificate, perhaps. This is something I run…Continue reading How to export the whole SSL (or TLS) certificate chain based on the original using PowerShell?
This article explains how to generate a CSR using the OpenSSL CLI toolkit. We’ll go through a step-by-step guide to create a private key and a CSR. This should be helpful for system administrators and developers who need to set up secure connections for their servers or applications. In the…Continue reading How to generate Certificate-Signing Requests using OpenSSL
Alright, so let’s make this a quick one. I’ve had to google this multiple times, since I have to do this a couple of times per year, which is NOT often enough for me to remember it by heart, or even for my Terminal to remember the commands properly. So,…Continue reading How to export a certificate and a private key from a .pfx using OpenSSL?
Haha, another one of those “should’ve known it was this easy” in the books! This article explains how to include the whole certificate chain (so your “user certificate” with all the “intermediary certificates” and optionally, but not as recommended, the root certificate) in your PEM-formatted certificate. Because sometimes you just…Continue reading How to include the whole certificate chain in your .cer, .crt or .pem certificate file?
Every now and then, you run into a situation where you might need an SSL (or TLS, as they nowadays usually actually are) certificate. You could always generate a self-signed one – but that won’t be trusted by anyone, so that’s no bueno. You could also order one online, even…Continue reading How to export the SSL (or TLS) certificate from a website using PowerShell?
This article explains another small but significant gotcha you “just need to know” when working with certificates and certification authorities, and you – just like me – are for some reason still using Windows as your workhorse. I’ll go through how to export the private key that has been stored…Continue reading How to export the private key from your Certificate Signing Request on Windows?
This post explains how to verify a private key (possibly a .key file) that you somehow got your hands on, that matches a certificate file (.cer) you also somehow are in possession of. I have no idea where I got mine, but I had to figure out how to make…Continue reading Using openssl to verify a certificate matches a private key