This post was most recently updated on January 22nd, 2021.
2 min read.I had the honor of speaking at SharePoint Saturday Nashville 2019 again, and it was a lot of fun! I had the chance to meet a lot of new (and some “old”) people. And what a crowd – so many (difficult) questions about SPFx & Teams development… 😬😂
(Don’t want to crawl through the jabbering? Just here for the materials? Well, they are here: SPS Nashville 2019 materials . Thanks for your interest!)
SPS Nashville 2019 from a speaker’s viewpoint
Posting the materials took me a while – apologies for that! My flight home took longer than expected, altogether over 20 hours, and while I tried to upload the slides during the trip, that actually failed over the airport / plane wifi. Even 10 megabytes of data seems to be tough to get out there in one piece…
The event was a lot fun this year, just like last year. A lot of very interested people asking a lot of questions – and while I’m by no means an expert on SPFx development, I hope I was able to clarify the whole scenario a little bit.

If you were there and you have any questions, feel free to ask them in the comments -section below or through the contact form!
The slides for other sessions at SPS Nashville 2019 can be found here:
Below, are my materials from the event :)
Okay, so you can check out the slides on SlideShare:
Code examples for SPFx + Microsoft Teams:
- An SPFx webpart generated with yeoman with SPFx 1.8.2, with the additions to make it Teams-compatible:
- A modernized version of JS-Modern-Calendar (from SPFx samples), updated from 1.6 to 1.8.2 and added a theme change based on Microsoft Teams theme:
Thanks for stopping by!
Again, thanks everyone for attending, watching, asking questions, all that good stuff!
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