SharePoint Online causing trouble again

How to solve “You don’t have permission to invite people to this item, but you can still add people and send an invite request to the file owner.” in a SharePoint document library?

This article explains a solution to a puzzling problem, where you might be the owner of a SharePoint site and have all the imaginable permissions on a Document Library, but still be unable to share a single item, let alone a folder with edit permissions to anyone. Turns out this…Continue reading How to solve “You don’t have permission to invite people to this item, but you can still add people and send an invite request to the file owner.” in a SharePoint document library?

SharePoint is not broken - it just does't work

How to fix “The website does not support SharePoint Online credentials. The response status code is ‘Unauthorized'”

Whilst running some SharePoint Online PowerShell commandlets, or connecting to a SharePoint Online site from your app, you get the following (or similar) error about your SharePoint Online credentials being unauthorized for something you should definitely be authorized to do: Cannot contact web site ‘https://[tenant]’ or the web site does…Continue reading How to fix “The website does not support SharePoint Online credentials. The response status code is ‘Unauthorized’”

SharePoint is not broken - it just does't work

App authentication woes on SharePoint (Token request failed. The remote server returned an error: (401) Unauthorized.)

This article explains how to get rid of sudden and unexplainable 401 Access Denied errors when trying to authenticate against a fairly fresh Microsoft 365 / SharePoint Online tenant. This issue seems to be caused by a long-ish project to finally retire ACS – Azure Access Control service) on SharePoint…Continue reading App authentication woes on SharePoint (Token request failed. The remote server returned an error: (401) Unauthorized.)